Health Benefits & Medicinal Uses of Amla

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a powerful medicinal plant in Ayurveda because of its effective medicinal properties. This small green fruit has been a very popular medicine since ancient times. Ayurveda strongly suggests eating Amla in any of its forms like amla , amla juice, amla tabletsamla powder or amla candy daily to boost immunity, improve metabolism and longevity. Amla contains five tastes: sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, and astringent that help to function your body and mind effectively. 

Thus, it is known as divine medicine or ‘divyaushada.’ Amla is filled with rich sources such as calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus, vitamin B, iron, protein, carotene, and fiber, so it has many effective medicinal and healing properties. If you have severe hair loss, Amla is an effective remedy for you. Apply Amla oil on your scalp and do a gentle massage that will strengthen your follicles. Vitamin C present in Amla helps to prevent premature greying. In recent times, Amla juice is very famous, and it can be found in many restaurant menus that provide fresh vegetable and fruit juice.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Common Names of Amla (Nelli):

  • Botanical Name: Phyllanthus emblica
  • Tamil Name: Nelli
  • English Name: Indian Gooseberry
  • Hindi Name: Amla
  • Kannada Name: Betta nelli, Amalaka
  • Malayalam Name: Nelli, Nellika
  • Telugu Name: Usiri, Usirikaya
  • Marathi Name: Amla
  • Gujrati Name: Ambala
  • Sanskrit Name: Dhatri, Amalaka

What is Amla

Amla is a fruit and traditional herb that belongs to the Phyllanthaceae family. The scientific name of Amla is Phyllanthus Emblica, and it is native to India. The Amla trees are found in China, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, and Sri Lanka. The fresh and dried forms of Amla contain many medicinal, nutritional values and provide effective health benefits. The fruits are light green in color, and they ripped during the autumn seasons. 

Amla contains high significance during the rituals in the month of Karthik that come between October and November. In many places of India, Amla fruit is used as a Naivedya to Lord Shiva and used to treat various respiratory diseases such as common cold, flu, and other health conditions caused due to the imbalance of Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Amla contains numerous antioxidants, so it is widely used in ancient medicines. The consumption of this fruit helps in preventing the formation of cancer cells. Amla is consumed in many ways, such as juice, raw, churna, pickle, candy, etc.

Medicinal Properties of Amla

Amla contains spasmolytic, expectorant, hypoglycemic, purgative, anti-pyretic, anti-bacterial, hypolipidemic, and protects the liver. The fresh Amla contains ascorbic acid content that is highest among all the fruits.

  • Adaptogenic
  • Anti-cancer
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Digestive Stimulant
  • Mild laxative
  • Demulcent
  • Hematogenic
  • Carminative
  • Haematinic
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-anemic
  • Antacid
  • Antilipemic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-hyperglycemic
  • Anti-hypertensive

Nutritional Values of Amla (Nelli)

Amla contains low amounts of calories and a high amount of phenolic phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, flavonoids, and powerful sources of vitamins A and C. This plant is used to provide various health benefits such as delayed aging, improving memory, preventing cancer, and fighting against inflammation.

Nutrients present in 100 grams of Amla

Calories – 44,
Total Fat – 0.58 g,
Carbohydrates – 10.18 g,
Protein – 0.88 g,
Sodium – 16 mg
Potassium – 198 mg
Calcium – 25 mg
Iron – 0.31 mg
Magnesium – 10 mg
Copper – 0.070 mg
Vitamin C – 27.7 mg
Vitamin – A290 IU
Vitamin – B60.2 mg
Niacin – 0.300 mg
Dietary Fiber – 4.3 g
Manganese – 0.144mg
Phosphorus – 27 mg
Riboflavin – 0.030 mg
Thiamin – 0.040 mg
Folates – 6 mcg
Pantothenic acid – 0.286 mg
Pyridoxine – 0.080 mcg

Health Benefits of Amla

Amla is a traditional herb that can be used as a folk medicine to treat and prevent many diseases, especially diabetes mellitus. It is a rich source of vitamin C, amino acids, and minerals. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and treats diseases related to oxidative stress.

The pulp of Amla plays a major role in several medicinal preparations. It provides effective treatment for diabetes mellitus, headache, cardiovascular, and liver diseases. Amla is a main ingredient in the popular Ayurvedic medicine Chyawanprash. Amalaki Rasayana is also an effective Ayurvedic medicine that is prepared by using Amla and Amla juice. These two medicines contain powerful anti-aging properties that are great for rejuvenating purposes.

Treats Liver Damages

Modern drugs can cause many side effects, such as damage to the liver and affect the functions of the liver. Paracetamol is one of the medicines used to cure mild pain and fever. The overdose of Paracetamol medicine can cause damage to your liver. According to scientific studies, it is found that Amla protects the liver from Paracetamol. Amla acts as a powerful liver-protective agent. The free radicals and reactive oxygen species directly damage your liver, so it changes the normal structure and function.

Amla contains numerous natural antioxidants, such as flavonoids, tannins, and vitamin C. The researchers found that Amla contains unique antioxidant composition that has powerful antioxidant properties. It clears the free radicals and regulates the overall structure and function of the liver. The treatment of Amla helps to decrease toxic markers and inflammation markers. 

Additionally, it contains a high amount of ascorbic acids that have the capacity to fight against the toxic effects, which can be caused by some metal salts, chemicals, the overdose of drugs, or overconsumption of alcohol. The extract of Amla is more effective than the ascorbic acid. Thus, it can be safe to use in treating liver damage or liver injury.

Boosts Immunity

Amla is a source of vitamin C, so it helps to improve your immune system. It is filled with vitamin C, alkaloids, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Scientific studies found that Amla can increase the count of white blood cells and improve the defense mechanism of your body to fight against infections, allergies, and eliminate toxins. By eating Amla daily you can prevent your body from harmful bacteria and inflammation.

Treats Diabetes Mellitus

Amla contains powerful anti-hyperglycemic properties. It is toxin-free and has no side effects. The extract of Amla fruit interferes with the absorption of glucose in the gut, so it delays the glucose entry into the blood. It prevents a sudden increase in blood glucose levels after food and delays the digestion of glucose.

Disaccharidase is an enzyme that converts carbohydrates into glucose, so the prevention of disaccharidase may delay the increase of blood glucose levels. The research found that the powerful anti-diabetic property of Amla contains many health-promoting compounds such as Gallic acid, Ellagic acid, Gallotannin, and Corilagin. 

These compounds contain powerful antioxidants and free radical scavenging properties that decrease oxidative stress in the pancreas and help to regulate the level of blood glucose. Amla fruit is effective in decreasing diabetic problems associated with constant high blood glucose levels. The problems are Cardiovascular diseases, Nephropathy, Neuropathy, and Retinopathy. 

According to scientific research, the extract of Amla fruit helps to improve insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells and helps in lowering blood glucose levels. This property is similar to the anti-diabetic drug GLIBENCLAMIDE. It also contains tannins and flavonoids that prove anti-diabetic activity. Therefore, the Amla fruit is the main ingredient in anti-diabetic food. 

It helps in insulin absorption to decrease the sugar level. It normalizes carbohydrate metabolism that helps the body respond to insulin and decreases the blood sugar level. Nishamalaki is an Ayurvedic formulation that contains Haldi and Amla. It is very effective in treating diabetes and decreases the symptoms of diabetes, such as frequent urination, and inhibits diabetic problems.

Improves Gut Health

Ayurveda strongly recommended starting your food with the dish made from Amla because it helps to detoxify and eliminate the wastes. It contains rich amounts of fiber that normalize bowel movement and increase digestive juice production. It helps the body in better absorption of nutrients. If you are suffering from constipation, IBS, or intestinal issues, drink Amla juice in the morning that cleans your system.

Treats Fatty Liver Disease

According to the research conducted on rats, Amla prevents hepatic steatosis. It changes some proteins that are involved in the metabolism of lipids. It decreases and prevents dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis. Amla can be taken with the Pippali churna or Trikatu churna and Haldi churna for non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases in Ayurveda.

Amla 2000 mg, Trikatu Churna 250 mg, Haldi (Turmeric) Churna 1000 mg mixture twice daily with warm water after food 

Treats Scurvy

Amla contains rich amounts of vitamin C, so it is an effective remedy to treat scurvy. Scurvy is an issue that occurs due to the lack of vitamin C. For these cases, it is essential to take a diet that includes rich sources of vitamin C because your body can’t be able to make vitamin C. Research found that Amla contains 20 times more vitamin C when compared to an orange. Thus, it can be used to treat and manage human scurvy.

Improves Insulin Secretion

Amla contains Chromium, which is a mineral that helps to normalize carbohydrate metabolism and beta cells for insulin secretion. Amla is a citrus fruit, so consuming it regularly not only repairs pancreatic tissues and also inhibits insulin-producing cells damage. Eating raw Amla daily in the morning improves the reception of insulin to your body.

Treats Hypertension

According to studies, the regular consumption of Amla helps to decrease blood pressure and the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases. Amla contains numerous antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and especially potassium making it a great diet for high blood pressure. Potassium is very useful in dilating the blood vessels that decrease blood pressure and control the many symptoms of hypertension. Drinking Amla juice with one teaspoon of honey helps to reduce blood pressure naturally. Regular consumption of this juice is very effective in controlling both diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

Atherosclerosis & Dyslipidemia

Amla increases the elasticity of blood vessels and protects them from inflammation. According to many types of research, the inflammation on the blood vessel linings may cause atherosclerosis. According to the research on hypercholesterolemic rabbits, the extract of Amla modulates the dyslipidemia conditions, decreases the formation of plaque, and thickens the intima-media in the aorta. It also helps to reduce cholesterol synthesis by preventing enzymatic action of HMG-CoA reductase and by increasing reverse cholesterol transport.

Reduces Weight

Amla promotes metabolic activity that prevents fat from forming in unwanted places and eliminates the toxins from the body. Obesity occurs due to many reasons such as fat accumulation, toxin-build up, and slow metabolism, and Amla helps to fight against these problems. By eating raw Amla and drinking Amla powder with honey or water, you can reduce weight and excess fat.

Treats Peptic Ulcers

Amla is more beneficial in treating peptic ulcers. It serves by decreasing the acid production in the stomach. Moreover, Amla provides many antioxidants that help to protect the gastric mucosa from damages and inhibit ulceration. Amla is effectively used to inhibit the problems of peptic ulcers, such as gastric carcinoma. It also helps to decrease the symptoms of peptic ulcers such as weight loss,  loss of appetite, pain in the abdomen, nausea, and vomiting.

Treats Anemia

Amla is a powerful anti-anemic fruit that contains rich amounts of vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C present in Amla helps in better iron absorption. The Ascorbic acid of Amla helps to improve the absorption of iron.

Neem Leaves and Amla for Iron Deficiency Anemia

According to the research conducted in 2015, the positive effect of Neem leaves with Amla provides excellent treatment for anemia. Amla is a powerhouse of vitamin C that helps to increase iron absorption when you consume rich iron foods. The research found that neem leaves contain a huge amount of iron, and Amla is a rich source of vitamin C. Eating foods with a great source of iron does not provide a positive impact on the iron status, but the combination of a rich source of vitamin C food provides a better result. The treatment of Neem leaves and Amla increases the hemoglobin in the blood. Therefore, foods with rich irons also contain anti-anemic properties.

Amla increases Iron Growth by 19 times

Another research found that Amla provides affordable treatment for anemia so that many people can use it, and it is easily available. The main benefit of Amla is that it increases the bioavailability of iron and the overall absorption of iron. It is also found that, when you consume rich iron foods, the growth of iron will increase by 19 times. Apart from vitamin C, Amla also contains citric acid, gallic acid, tartaric acid, and malic acid which helps to increase the bioavailability of iron.


Ayurveda strongly suggests Amla for enhancing fertility in women. It eliminates toxins, causes hormonal imbalance, and normalizes menstrual cycles. It protects from the negative effects of PCOS, such as unwanted hair growth, obesity, etc. Drinking Amla juice with warm water daily in the morning eliminates the toxins and helps to reduce weight. You can add a small piece of Amla to your daily food which is very effective.

Treats Skin Diseases

Amla acts as a natural blood purifier, and the consumption of fruit or juice helps to glow your skin. The face pack of Amla is an effective remedy for those who have pimples, freckles, acne, and blemishes because that helps to restore skin health. Amla is a succulent fruit that helps to increase collagen and keeps your skin youthful. Prepare a face pack by mixing Amla powder with water and applying this pack to your face. Clean your face after 20 minutes and repeat this regularly to reduce skin allergies and other conditions.

Benefits of Amla Oil

Amla and coconut are two wonderful ingredients of Amla oil. This oil can easily penetrate into the roots and stimulates follicles for excellent hair growth. By applying this oil daily, you can prevent hair fall.

Promotes Hair Growth

Amla contains many natural compounds such as vitamins and minerals that help in the growth of healthy hair. Vitamin C present in Amla helps to increase collagen because that provides volume and length to your hair. It also helps in the replacement of dead cells on the scalp and regenerates new cells.

Slows down Premature Greying

According to Ayurveda, premature greying is a disease that can be caused due to excessive pitta in your body. Amla is a natural coolant, and it delays greying. Prepare a hair pack by mixing Amla powder with henna and apply this on your hair to retain natural hair color. The regular consumption of Amla in the forms of powder, juice, and candy is very effective in preventing premature greying.

Reduces Dandruff

Amla is a rich source of vitamin C that provides more vitamin C than the orange provides. Regular consumption of Amla hydrates your scalp and inhibits dandruff. Due to the presence of powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, Amla prevents itching and scaling.

Works as a Hair Conditioner

If you apply Amla oil regularly, it works as a conditioner, so it helps to strengthen and grow your hair. A single Amla includes 80% of the moisture that makes your hair attractive and beautiful. Apply this oil on your oily hair because it absorbs excessive oil and conditions your hair.

Amla In Ayurvedic Medicines And Supplements

The holistic science of Ayurveda and ancient medicines consider Amla as a divine medicine, and it is known as Rasayana. Rasayana means an effective herbal product with excellent rejuvenating and longevity properties to provide both mind and body balance. This effective fruit cures digestive diseases, works as an astringent, improves immunity, and is suitable for all types of the body, so it is popular for balancing three types of doshas in your body, such as Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Amla is the main ingredient in all the famous Ayurvedic formulations. These supplements are easily available and also very affordable.


Triphala is widely used in many Ayurvedic formulations due to its great health benefits. It also helps to improve immunity and helps to reduce weight. Triphala is a combination of three fruits, such as bibhitaki, amalaki, and haritaki. The dried and powdered forms of these fruits is perfect for making Triphala churna. Consume Triphala daily on an empty stomach, which acts as a digestive cleanser, eliminates toxins, stimulates liver function, improves immunity, treats many dental problems such as mouth ulcers, gum bleeding, gingivitis, and plague. It is also available in the form of drops to treat computer vision syndrome.


Chyawanprash is an ancient jam recipe that acts as an aphrodisiac and helps to restore your health and vitality. It contains many useful ingredients such as Amla, honey, ghee, and sesame oil, so it helps to regenerate and revitalize the cells of your body. It is very effective to improve your immunity, promotes white blood cells, hemoglobin production, cleanses the liver, spleen, and tones your muscles. It is widely used to treat many respiratory diseases and problems related to fertility. Take one spoon of Chyawanprash daily in the morning or mix with water or milk. It can also be eaten with bread or roti as jam.

3.Kanchanar Guggulu

Kanchanar Guggulu is an Ayurvedic formulation used for treating PCOS, hypothyroidism, and joint pains. It is made by mixing Amalaki with an equal amount of black pepper, the bark of the Kanchanar tree, haritaki, ginger, long pepper, cinnamon, cardamom. This Ayurvedic medicine detoxifies your system, normalizes thyroid functioning, purifies the blood, helps in PCOS, and weight loss. It also helps your body in the better absorption of nutrients and burning belly fats.


Ashokarishta is an effective Ayurvedic tonic that is highly beneficial for hormonal balance in women. It is known as a ‘natural’ friend for women who handle emotions with hormonal problems, and also it increases fertility. This tonic is made by mixing Amla with other herbs such as musta, jeera, dhataki, jaggery, haritaki, mango seeds, and also with the decoction of the Ashoka tree. This tonic contains powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to treat pelvic inflammatory diseases, menstrual cramps, increases digestion, improves stamina, prevents osteoporosis, and depletes minerals from bones. Drink one tablespoon of this tonic with an equal amount of water after food to get great benefits.

Safety Profile & Side Effects of Amla

Amla is considered safe for children, adults, and pregnant women. The natural forms of Amla, such as Juice, Churna, Amla Pulp are safe, and it is highly recommended to consume regularly for a long-time. The Churna and fruit pulp of Amla may cause side effects, and the Amla juice may cause some side effects such as Sore throat, Mild abdominal discomfort, Hyperacidity, and cold conditions.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Amla contains strong cooling properties that decrease heat and provide a cooling sensation in the body. According to Ayurveda, it may contradict the following health conditions because of these properties.

  • Common coldProductive coughJoint pains that aggravate in cold environmentsSink dryness
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