Jamun is a highly nutritious, succulent, and refreshing fruit that is very popular during the summer. It has numerous medicinal properties and health benefits to treat various diseases. It is a juicy fruit that plays a vital role in Ayurvedic, Unani, and Chinese medicine, to treat many diseases, including Kapha and Pitta.
Jamun has a special place in Ramayana because Lord Rama survived by eating this fruit during 14 years of exile in the forest, so it is known as ‘Fruit of Gods’. It is available in two types, such as white toned flesh and dark purplish flesh.
The white toned flesh Jamun contains a high amount of pectin, and the purplish flesh contains a low amount of pectin. Pectin is a polysaccharide substance that is present in the flesh of fruits like apples, and it works as a thickening agent to make jellies and jams.
The fruits, seeds, leaves, and bark of this plant are used as an effective medicine to treat bleeding disorders and many other diseases.
About Jamun
Jamun is very popular because of its effective health benefits. It belongs to the Myrtaceae family, and its native is Indian sub-continent but is widely found in many Asian countries. It is an evergreen tree that grows up to 30 meters tall and widely spread around 3.6 meters. Jamun trees widely grow in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Australia, and Malaysia. The fruit of the tree is oval in shape. It is green in color in the premature stage, and it turns to black when ripening.
The outer layer of this fruit has a black or dark purple color and contains a unique sweet taste with sour. This fruit contains 3-4 calories compared to the other berries, and it contains a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, potassium, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and some phytochemicals.
It is a source of polyphenolic compounds, and it contains diuretic, carminative and anti-scorbutic properties. In Ayurveda, it is highly recommended to treat various diseases such as stomach pain, arthritis, bowel spasm, heart, flatulent, asthma, and dysentery.
The diuretic property of this fruit helps to eliminate toxins from the kidney, and the fiber content of jamun helps in digestion and inhibits vomiting and nausea.
Jamun contains a high amount of alkaloid content that is very effective to control hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. The leaves, bark, and the extract of seeds are used in decreasing the levels of high blood sugar in the body.
Jamun is a nutritious succulent fruit that can be consumed in many ways. Consume this fruit in raw or in the forms of juice, and it is used in many culinary applications such as smoothies, salads, and jam. The seed of this Jamun can be consumed in the powdered form or churna. It is also used in the form of capsules and tablets.
Jamun in Ayurveda and Supplements
According to Ayurveda, Jamun is an effective ingredient in treating various health disorders. There are lots of Jamun trees growing in India, so it is mentioned as the “land of Jambu” in many Ayurvedic scripts. Jamun is considered a magical tree because every part of the tree, such as leaves, fruits, roots, and bark contains various medicinal properties and health benefits.
The pulp and seed of Jamun are very effective in treating diabetes, and the leaves of Jamun are beneficial for gum and teeth problems. The bark of Jamun is used to prevent allergies, and it is also useful to fight against infectious worms in your body.
The Jamun fruit contains cold capacity, so it keeps your body cool. It has a sweet, astringent and sour taste. It helps to maintain Kapha and Pitta and increases Vata. This fruit is used to control many health disorders due to these dosha actions.
Ayurvedic Properties of Jamun plum
- Taste (Rasa) : Astringent (Kashaya), Sweet(Madhuram), and Sour (Amla)
- Qualities (Guna) : Light (Laghu) and Dryness (Ruksha)
- Metabolic property(Vipaka) : Pungent (Katu) after digestion
- Potency (Virya) : Cold (Sheetha)
Jamun plum in Ancient texts
- Sushruta Samhita & Vaghada: Herbs that treat wounds, thrist, bleeding tissues, diseases of vagina, and burning sensation (Nyagrodhadhi gana)
- Charaka Samhita: Herbs that treat vomiting (Chardinigrahana) & Herbs that restore normal color of feces (Purishaviranjniye)
Common Names of Jamun (Naval Pazham):
Botanical Name : Syzygium Cumini
English Name : Java Plum
Tamil Name : Naval Pazham
Malayalam Name : Naval
Telugu Name : KayaNeredu, Chettu
Kannada Name : Nerale
Hindi Name : Jamun, Jambol
Punjabi Name : Jamalu
Bengali Name : Kala jam

Medicinal Properties of Jamun
Jamun Fruit
- Anti-inflammatory
- Digestive stimulant
- Mild astringent
- Liver stimulant
Jamun Seeds
- Anti-diabetes
- Antihyperglycemic
- Astringent
- Mild digestive
Jamun Leaves
- Anti-diabetes
- Antiemetic
- Antihyperglycemic
- Astringent
- Antihemorrhagic
Jamun Bark
- Anti-bacterial
- Digestive
- Anthelmintic
- Carminative
- Astringent
Benefits & Uses of Jamun
The flesh, leaves, seed with seed coat and kernel, bark, kernel of Jamun fruit are used for treating many health issues. The health benefits and medicinal uses are described below according to different parts of the Jamun plant.
✤ Antioxidant Properties
Typically, Jamun fruits are used to treat numerous diseases. The antioxidants present in Jamun helps to provide effective treatments. According to scientific studies, it is found that Jamun fruit has many antioxidants in its skin when compared to the pulp. Thus, you can get more antioxidants by eating the whole Jamun. Antioxidants present in Jamun listed below:
- Gallic Acid
- Petunidin
- Vitamin C
- Anthocyanins
- B-carotene
- Cyanidin
- Tannis
- Malvidin-glucoside
The antioxidants are combined with other health stimulating compounds like scavenge free radicals and oxidative stress. The extracts of Jamun seeds contain antioxidant capacity that serves by trapping free radicals such as hydroxyl, superoxide, and lipid peroxide.
β-carotene is a powerful antioxidant of Jamun that prevents auto-oxidation and protects your body from many harmful diseases. Scientific studies show that consumption of Jamun seed extract decreases oxidative stress and increases the antioxidant level in your body.
✤ Treats Heart Diseases
The person who has hypertensive and altered lipid profile has increased chances of occurring heart diseases. According to the scientific research, the fruit and other parts of the Jamun plant are very effective to decrease the chances of diseases and protect your heart.
Jamun is filled with high amounts of potassium that is effectively helping to prevent heart-related diseases. The ones who have heart diseases are in oxidative stress frequently, so the reduction of oxidative stress can decrease the chances of heart diseases.
Jamun contains an antioxidant property that helps to prevent oxidative stress. Apart from this, extracts of Jamun also protects cardiac cells from the harmful effect of free radicals.
The regular consumption of Jamun inhibits the hardening of arteries, and it decreases several symptoms of high blood pressure by controlling hypertension and inhibits cardiac arrests and strokes.
A 100 gm Jamun contains 79 mg of potassium that makes this juicy fruit a suitable remedy for high blood pressure.
✤ Treats Radiant Skin
By drinking Jamun juice, you can get healthy and glowing skin. It detoxifies and purifies the blood, so it glows your skin inside. Jamun is a rich source of Vitamin C, so it provides the blemish free radiant skin.
Take dried powder of Jamun seed with honey and mix them well. Apply it as a mask on your face and leave for overnight. Repeat this for a month, decreasing dark spots, pimples, and pigmentation.
Apply fresh jamun juice on your face after cleaning. Jamun is a natural astringent and acts as a toner, so it controls excess oil secretion and decreases pores.
Take a mixture of squashed Jamun, rose water and curd and apply it as a face mask for those who have oily skin. Regular use of this decreases pimples.
Health Benefits & Uses of Jamun Fruit Pulp
The pulp of Jamun fruit is juicy and it has a distinct sweet and astringent taste. It gives a crimson black color on your tongue. It is a nutritious fruit that contains a rich amount of antioxidants and phytochemicals that helps manage your health.
✤ Treats Indigestion
Jamun fruit is an effective remedy to treat abdominal discomfort, abdominal fullness, and burning sensation in the abdomen. Thus, you can eat some fruits and also should take Sonth with water after consuming Jamun for better results.
✤ Treats Cancer
The scientific research found that Jamun contains an anti-tumor property that prevents the growth of tumors. It is also found that the Jamun treatment can decrease the action of the tumor and decrease the tumor size. Due to the powerful capacity of Jamun, it helps to eliminate the harmful cancer cells.
It plays a vital role in protecting our body by preventing the action of free radicals and oxidative stress. Moreover, it decreases the multiplication of cancer cells, so it reduces the cell population. The extract of Jamun inhibits spreading of cancer cells to the other organs of your body. Due to these effects, it contains anti-inflammatory and high antioxidant effects.
✤ Chronic Colitis
The Jamun fruit can be used to decrease the inflammation of colon lines, and the astringent property of Jamun decreases the severity of bloody stools. It is very useful in the case of patients feeling a burning sensation while passing stool and the presence of mucus content in stools.
✤ Provides Liver Protective Effect
Excessive disclosure of toxins, drugs, and infectious agents to the liver may injure and damage your liver. It leads to the generation of free radicals that affect the structure and normal function of the liver.
During this period, the glycogen is stored in the liver that increases the liver enzymes level and blood sugar levels. According to the research, the treatment of Jamun extract decreases the liver enzymes level and also the blood sugar levels.
Moreover, it helps to restore the structure and normal function of the liver. This proves that Jamun extract contains liver-protective properties. According to scientific studies, it is found that the toxic agents can react with liver cells, so it may lead to hardening the liver.
These changes in structure alter the normal function of the liver. Jamun protects your liver from damage because it acts as a liver tonic. The antioxidants present in Jamun clears the free radicals that are formed in the liver during liver damage, so it helps to prevent oxidative stress.
It is found that a lower amount of Jamun extract doesn’t provide effective liver protection, so it is important to determine the dosage of Jamun extract. Thus, before consuming this, you should consider the safety profile.
✤ Treats Rectal Bleeding (Bleeding Diarrhea)
The Jamun fruit contains an astringent property that helps to decrease the bleeding in stools and also the frequency of loose stools. It is recommended to drink 20 ml of Jamun juice with two teaspoons of Gulkand in Ayurvedic medicines.
Health Benefits & Uses of Jamun Leaves
The leaves of Jamun are very effective in treating diarrhea, mouth ulcer, typhoid fever, bleeding piles, etc.
✤ Treats Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
The anti-hypertensive property of Jamun helps to reduce the levels of high blood pressure and decreases the risk of hypertension-related problems such as stroke and heart diseases.
According to the research, the reduction of 5 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure decreases the chances of death related to heart diseases by 7%.
The extract of Jamun leaf is used to decrease vasoconstrictor agents that control the blood vessels and increase blood pressure. Moreover, the flavonoids and triterpene present in Jamun contain specific vasodilatory effects. It assures the blood flow throughout your body and expands the blood vessels.
The numerous antioxidants present in Jamun helps to decrease the oxidative stress in kidneys and blood vessels, so it helps to reduce high blood pressure. Jamun is a rich source of potassium that helps to treat hypertension.
✤ Opium Toxicity
The juice or decoction of Jamun leaf helps to decrease the symptoms If vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite are main in opium toxicity than constipation.
✤ Antimicrobial Properties
The bacteria and microbes cause numerous diseases. Thus, it requires an effective natural remedy to get relief from microbes and protects your body from infections.
The scientific studies found that the Jamun leaves are effective drugs to prevent bacteria. Due to the presence of steroids, saponins, flavonoids, phenols, glycosides, alkaloids, and tannins. These phytochemicals of Jamun leaves provide antimicrobial effects.
Jamun contains flavonoids that have a natural capacity to change the reaction of your body to allergies and viruses, so it contains anti-allergic and microbial properties. Tannins and Steroids contain anti-microbial properties. The researchers found that tannins contain the ability to prevent HIV replication.
✤ Cures Mouth Ulcers
Prepare a decoction by taking ten gms of Jamun leaf powder with 800 ml water and simmer that until it turns into 200 ml. Consume this decoction for treating mouth ulcers. Alternatively, make a paste by mixing the leaf powder and Katha with water. Apply this paste on the inflamed areas of your mouth to get instant relief.
Health Benefits & Uses of Jamun Seeds
Jamun seeds are more beneficial in treating many diseases, including diabetes mellitus.
✤ Treats Peptic Ulcers
Jamun plays a gut-protective role because of the presence of tannin. The overdose of drugs may damage the inner line of the gut.
Tannin present in Jamun helps to decrease the damage caused by drugs and the concentration of free radicals in the gut. Drugs stimulate the ulceration and damage via excess generation of oxygen species. Jamun contains antioxidant properties.
Moreover, the research proves that the extract of Jamun contains anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. Jamun is very effective in restoring mucus that is a viscous layer that protects the inner lining of the stomach from the harmful effects of acid and drugs.
Another study found that the extract of Jamun seed plays an effective role in treating aspirin-induced peptic ulcers. The Jamun seeds contain antioxidant and anti-ulcer properties that protect you from stomach ulcers. Aspirin stimulates the formulation of free radicals that cause injury to the inner line of the stomach.
According to the study, Jamun seeds are very effective in decreasing oxidative stress levels and enhance antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione. Therefore, Jamun seeds provide a relaxing effect in the gut and help to treat stomach ulcers.
✤ Treats Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
Jamun seeds are an effective remedy that is widely used in treating type-2 diabetes mellitus in India and many countries. Jamun contains the active compound MYCAMINOSE that promotes the insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells.
The leaves, seeds, and bark of Jamun used to maintain blood sugar levels. It helps to decrease the postprandial sugar level. The scientific study found that 15 days of treatment of Jamun seeds effectively reduces the levels of high blood sugar.
Moreover, the Jamun seeds reduce the levels of blood sugar by potentiating insulin effect or increasing insulin secretion or increasing release from the bound form.
Due to the insulin stimulation effects, Jamun seeds contain hypoglycemic properties. According to another research about Jamun seed, the extract of Jamun seed prevents the enzyme that converts carbohydrates into glucose during digestion.
This prevention inhibits the instant rising of blood sugar levels after food. Jamun seeds contain fiber such as hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin that contains a small impact on blood sugar.
Jamun contains a huge amount of antioxidants that prevents oxidative stress, so it decreases hyperglycemia. Jamun raises the storage of glycogen in the liver and muscles, so it decreases glucose amount in the blood.
Jamun also improves the function of glucose transporter and helps to transport glucose into muscles and liver.
Jamun seed powder | 100 g |
Amla powder | 100 g |
Gurmar powder | 100 g |
Methi seed powder | 100 g |
Bilva Leaf Powder | 100 g |
Chirata Powder | 50 g |
Trikatu Chura | 50 g |
Neem Leaf Powder | 50 g |
Haldi Powder | 50 g |
Consume Jamun seeds 1-2 gms of dosage thrice. The above combination is very helpful in increasing anti-hyperglycemic and anti-diabetic effects. Take one teaspoon of these combinations thrice a day 30 minutes before the food. This mixture enhances insulin sensitivity and improves the secretion of insulin.
Foods to be avoided: Sugar, sweets, Rice, Potatoes, and other glycemic foods.
Foods to be taken: Barley, Green vegetables, Pulses, Cow’s milk, Gram flour Chapati, and other low glycemic foods.
✤ Decreases High Cholesterol Levels
Many Scientific studies prove that Jamun seeds contain great antilipemic activity that helps to reduce the levels of high blood cholesterol. The treatment of Jamun seed extract helps to decrease the high level of total cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
The extract of Jamun seed contains many health-promoting compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, gallic acid, saponins, phenols, and ellagic acid that helps to cause the powerful effects. Moreover, Jamun is very effective to increase healthy cholesterol level-HDL.
The extract of Jamun seed contains water-soluble fiber that effectively helps to decrease the cholesterol level in the liver and heart.
It also improves the excretion of bile acids, so more cholesterol is used for bile formation than the being stored in the body. This activity happens due to the gelling property of a fiber that bounded to bile acid and increased the excretion in feces.
✤ Treats Glycosuria (Glucosuria)
Jamun seed powder is a great remedy for Glycosuria. A similar combination listed in diabetes can also be used in this case.
Health Benefits & Uses of Jamun Bark
Jamun Barks is also an effective remedy to treat vomiting, diabetes, urticaria, polyuria dental problems, and frequent urination.
✤ Treats Nausea & Vomiting
The ash of Jamun bark is beneficial to treat nausea and vomiting.
Preparation of Jamun bark ash
- Take Jamun bark and cut them into smaller pieces.
- Burn the pieces and get ash
Take 1-2 gms of Jamun bark ash with one teaspoon of honey thrice a day that helps to reduce nausea and vomiting.
The ash of Jamun bark is an effective remedy for the one who has a sour taste in mouth and vomitus in acidic and sour. It may not be much effective in other problems.
✤ Pyorrhea (Periodontitis)
The bark of the Jamun tree contains powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to manage pyorrhea. The decoction of Jamun bark is prepared for the effective treatment.
Decoction of Jamun tree bark
Take ten gms coarse powder of Jamun bark with 800 ml of water and simmer the mixture until it reduces to 200 ml. This warm decoction of Jamun bark is used for treating Pyorrhea. For better results, consume the decoction of Jamun bark thrice daily. It strengthens your tooth enamel and inhibits the erosion.
✤ Treats Leucorrhea
The decoction of the Jamun tree bark is very effective in abnormal discharges. The bark of the Jamun tree contains powerful astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties that help to decrease discharge, inflammation, foul smell, and infection. The decoction of Jamun bark can be prepared like Pyorrhea.
✤ Reduces Diarrhea during Pregnancy
Consuming Jamun bark decoction with Mango tree bark is highly beneficial in managing occurring diarrhea during pregnancy.
Decoction of Jamun & Mango
- Take ten gms coarse powder of Jamun bark and ten gms coarse powder of Mango bark.
- Mix these bark powders with 400 ml of water and simmer them until it reduces to 100 ml.
Consume the decoction of Jamun and Mango bark two times per day with Jeera and Dhania seed powder. Take one teaspoon of a mixture of these herbs.
✤ Treats Frequent Urination & Polyuria
Take Jamun bark powder with Lodhra Churna for treating frequent urination and polyuria. For getting better results, use this combination with ChandraPrabha Vati.
Health Benefits & Uses of Jamun Seed Kernel
Jamun seed kernel is used to treat many diseases.
✤ Treats Foot Ulcers
Jamun kernel powder is a powerful natural remedy for treating foot ulcers. It can be applied to the foot ulcers for instant healing. If foot ulcers occur due to diabetic problems, it is an effective remedy.
✤ Treats Diarrhea
The Jamun seed kernel contains Astringent action that helps to treat diarrhea. In chronic diarrhea, the following combinations are used to treat:
Take 100 gms of Jamun seed kernel powder with 100 gms of Mango seed kernel powder and 50 gms of roasted Haritaki fruit pulp powder. Take one teaspoon of this mixture with warm water two times per day for one week or until you get complete relief from chronic diarrhea.
✤ Treats Acne Vulgaris
Jamun kernel seeds are used to treat acne vulgaris. The seed kernel paste is prepared by the mixture of seed powder and warm water. Apply this paste on the areas of acne for 30 minutes and repeat this twice a day for several days until it provides complete relief. It is more effective for pimples and boils during the summer season.
✤ Burning Feet Syndrome
The powder of Jamun seed kernel is mixed with the water to prepare a thick paste. Apply this paste on your feet for 30-60 minutes to treat burning feet syndrome. Repeat this two times per day for at least 1-2 months. It can also be consumed along with Praval Pishti, Amalaki Rasayana, and Gandhak Rasayana.
✤ Treats Metrorrhagia & Menorrhagia
The combination of Jamun seed kernels and Lotus seed kernels are effective for decreasing heavy bleeding in women. This combination can be prepared by the following.
Jamun Seed Kernel Powder | 100 g |
Lotus Seed Kernel Powder | 100 g |
Misri (Crystallized Sugar) | 200 g |
Dosage: Take 1 teaspoon with lukewarm milk 3 times per day until you get complete relief.
It is recommended to take women who have excessive bleeding during menstruation for a minimum of 3 months.
✤ Nocturnal Emission
Jamun kernel powder is very effective in treating nocturnal emission. It helps to control discharge. Take 100 gms of Jamun seed kernel powder and 100 gms of Gond katira. Take one teaspoon of this mixture with lukewarm water twice a day until you get complete relief.
Nutritional Values of Jamun (Naval)
The various nutritional contents and their values in 100 grams of Jamun.
Nutrient | Value |
Calories | 251 |
Total Fat | 0.23 g |
Carbohydrates | 15.56 g |
Protein | 0.72 g |
Sodium | 14 mg |
Potassium | 79 mg |
Calcium | 19 mg |
Iron | 0.19 mg |
Magnesium | 15 mg |
Phosphorus | 17 mg |
Vitamin C | 14.3 mg |
Vitamin A | 3 IU |
Vitamin B6 | 0.038 mg |
Niacin | 0.260 mg |
Water | 83.13 mg |
Thiamine | 0.006 mg |
Riboflavin | 0.012 mg |
Pantothenic acid | 0.160 mg |
Side Effects of Jamun
Gut Problems: Jamun plays an important role in treating several diseases, but it also may cause side effects on high dosages. The side effects may cause nausea, constipation, and epigastric pain. Someone reported changing the color of urine.
Pregnancy & Lactation: Jamun fruit is safe to take during pregnancy, but the other parts of Jamun should be taken only if it is necessary and also use it under the supervision of professionals. Jamun can also be safe to take for lactating mothers.
Interaction with drugs
Anti-diabetic drugs: Jamun only interacts with anti-diabetic drugs. The extract of Jamun is very effective in reducing blood sugar levels. Consuming this medicine with anti-diabetic medicine or maintaining a short time between two medicines may reduce the blood sugar level and lead to hypoglycemia. Before taking the extract of Jamun with other medicines, you should consider your doctor or health provisioner.
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