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Benefits of Cypress Vine (Ipomoea Quamoclit / Mayil Manikkam)

Ipomoea Quamoclit is a flowering plant belonging to the largest botanical species called Ipomoea. It is an evergreen plant native to the tropics of the New World. New World is a general term that refers to the majority of regions of Earth’s Western Hemisphere (specifically the Americas). These slender plants can grow naturally in the tropics […]

Surprising Benefits of Hazelnuts For Health, Skin, & Hair

Hazelnuts are also called filbert or cobnut, a nut type in rustic brown color, and derived from the Corylus tree. Mostly in Italy, Spain, Turkey, and the United States, these nuts are being cultivated. Hazelnuts have a chocolaty taste and sweet, nutty flavor, so it is preferred to eat raw, ground as a paste, roasted, […]

Caesalpinia Sappan Wood (Padhimugam): Uses, Side Effects, and Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Caesalpinia Sappan Wood

What is Sappan Wood? Sappan wood is also called East Indian Redwood, which comes from a tree. It offers both ornamental and medicinal properties. It is a small thorny tree that can grow over 30 feet in height. It is widely found in China and Indian forests. Moreover, it is cultivated in gardens and nurseries. […]

Health Benefits of Salab Misri (Salep Orchid / Early Purple Orchid)

Health Benefits of Salab Misri

Orchis belongs to the botanical genus of flowering plants called Orchidaceae. This family of plants includes a variety of colorful and fragrant flowers which is commonly called as Orchid family. Such flowering plants are native to Tibet, Europe, Mongolia, northwestern Africa, and Xinjiang. The botanical name Orchis is derived from the ancient Greek word ὄρχις, […]

Nutritional Facts & Health Benefits of Soybeans (Glycine Max)

Glycine Max is an annual legume from the family Fabaceae, a native of southeastern Asia. Also known by two different names, soybean or soya bean, this plant is widely cultivated for its protein-rich edible bean. Beans, the product of these easily cultivated plants, contain a myriad of nutrients. Today, soybeans have become one of the […]

Chitrak (Plumbago Zeylanica): Benefits, Medicinal Uses, and Side Effects

We all know that generally, ayurvedic herbs offer incredible medicinal and health benefits. One of those herbs is plumbago zeylanica, which is commonly known as chitrak in India. Plumbago zeylanica or white leadwort is a herb that is widely found in India. It comes with three colors that are red, blue, and white. The white […]

Sorghum: Health Benefits, Culinary Uses, & Nutrition Facts

Sorghum is an ancient cereal crop that is highly used in Western countries. There are almost 30 different sorghum species available as of now, but the majority are fed to animals or added to processed products like syrup and alcohol. There are only a few varieties of sorghum harvested for human consumption. Sorghum in English, […]

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